300 g unripened jackfruit (natural, vacuum-sealed)
1 clove of garlic
1 piece of fresh ginger (approx. 2 cm)
2 tbsp light soy sauce
3 tbsp neutral oil
1 tsp tomato paste
60 ml apple juice
SALDORO fine ancient salt
Für den Apfel-Coleslaw
150 g Spitzkohl
1 dicke Möhre
1 säuerlicher Apfel
1–2 Frühlingszwiebeln
2 EL Mayonnaise
2 EL Crème fraîche
1 TL mittelscharfer Senf
1 EL Zitronensaft
SALDORO Ursalz fein
4 Burger Buns
2 EL Butter
Coarsely shred the jackfruit. Peel and finely grate the garlic and ginger. Mix together with the soy sauce and jackfruit, cover, and let sit for at least 1 hour.
For the coleslaw, slice the pointed cabbage into fine strips. Peel the carrot and slice into thin strips. Wash and de-core the apple, then coarsely grate. Clean, rinse and finely slice the scallions. Mix together the mayonnaise, crème fraîche, mustard and lemon juice. Add the cabbage, carrot, grated apple and scallions and season with pepper and SALDORO ancient salt.
Heat oil in a pan. Fry the marinated jackfruit for 3 minutes, stirring. Add the tomato paste and apple juice and let simmer until the liquid has evaporated. Add SALDORO fine ancient salt to taste.
Slice the burger buns in the middle and toast the cut surfaces. Spoon the jackfruit and apple coleslaw onto the bottom halves and cover with the tops of the buns.